Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Conscientious Parents

Today I'm grateful for parents that are conscientious of how sending a sick child to school, day care, or therapy can infect other children. I'm so thankful for those parents that cancel plans in order to keep other children safe. I try very hard not to let my girls pass on what they have and I'm appreciative when others do the same.

I still didn't get the Eddie Cap made because it takes a lot longer to wrap 24 books than I thought. Last year I asked for Christmas/Holiday traditions to start with my little ones because I didn't really grow up with any to pass on. The one I decided to try this year is to wrap 24 appropriate seasonal books and the girls I and will unwrap one each day until Christmas. One of the books is actually a coloring book which I figure we can color together. I was also planning to mix in some seasonal videos to watch, but I never got around to acquiring any. Most of the books I wrapped were books we already had or books that were on clearance after last Christmas. The nerdlet helped me wrap the gifts and had a lot of fun pulling pieces of tape for me.

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